In addition to creating images, Stock has a longstanding commitment to darkroom craft and extending the capabilities of fine art digital printmaking.
Stock’s images have been widely exhibited in museums and galleries in the United States and abroad. These venues include the Fogg Art Museum, The California Museum of Photography, the Museet for Fotokunst (Denmark), the Long Beach Museum of Art, the Blue Sky Gallery, the Santa Monica College Photography Gallery, The University of Sinalóa (UNAM), the Kerckhoff Art Gallery (UCLA), Casa da Fotografia FUJI (Brazil), the Angels Gate Cultural Center, and the Colorado Photographic Arts Center.
Stock’s photographs have also been featured in many publications, such as Canon Chronicle (worldwide in 5 languages), Z Magazine (cover), Long Beach Museum Quarterly (cover), Arts Rag (cover), Forward Motion, Blue Sky, La Fotografía Actual (Spain), Fotopozytyw (Poland), the Boston Phoenix and the New York Times.
- portrait © Hazel Hankin
-> website
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